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Tacoma, WA [McChord Air Force Base], USA TCM
Tacoma, WA [Tacoma Narrows Airport], USA TIW
Tahneta Pass Lodge, AK [Tahneta Pass Airport], USA HNE
Takotna, AK [Takotna Airport], USA TCT
Takotna, AK [Tatalina LRRS], USA TLJ
Taku Lodge, AK [Taku Lodge Seaplane Base], USA TKL
Talkeetna, AK [Talkeetna Airport], USA TKA
Talladega, AL [Talladega Municipal Airport], USA ASN
Tallahassee, FL [Tallahassee Regional Airport], USA TLH
Tallulah, LA/Vicksburg, MS [Vicksburg Tallulah Regional Airport], USA TVR
Tampa, FL [Mac Dill Air Force Base], USA MCF
Tampa, FL [Peter O. Knight Airport], USA TPF
Tampa, FL [Tampa International Airport], USA TPA
Tampa, FL [Top of Tampa], USA KYO
Tampa, FL [Vandenberg Airport], USA VDF
Tanacross, AK [Tanacross Airport], USA TSG
Tanalian, AK, USA TPO
Tanana, AK [Ralph M. Calhoun Memorial Airport], USA TAL
Tangier, VA [Tangier Island Airport], USA TGI
Taos, NM [Taos Municipal Airport], USA TSM
Tarboro, NC [Tarboro-Edgecombe Airport], USA ETC
Tatitlek, AK [Tatitlek Seaplane Base], USA TEK
Taunton, MA [Taunton Municipal Airport], USA TAN
Taylor, AK [Taylor Airport], USA TWE
Taylor, AZ [Taylor Airport], USA TYL
Taylor, AZ [Taylor Airport], USA TYZ
Taylorville, IL [Taylorville Municipal Airport], USA TAZ
Tehachapi, CA [Tehachapi Municipal Airport], USA TSP
Tekamah, NE [Tekamah Municipal Airport], USA TQE
Telida, AK, USA TLF
Tell City, IN [Perry County Municipal Airport], USA TEL
Teller, AK [Teller Airport], USA TLA
Telluride, CO [Telluride Regional Airport], USA TEX
Telluride, CO, USA ZTL
Temple, TX [Draughon-Miller Central Texas Regional Airport], USA TPL
Tenakee Springs, AK [Tenakee Seaplane Base], USA TKE
Terre Haute, IN [Terre Haute International/Hulman Field Airport], USA HUF
Terrell, TX [Terrell Municipal Airport], USA TRL
Terror Bay, AK [Terror Bay Seaplane Base], USA KTY
Teterboro, NJ [Teterboro Airport], USA TEB
Tetlin, AK [Tetlin Airport], USA TEH
Texarkana, AR [Texarkana Regional Airport-Webb Field], USA TXK
The Dalles, OR [The Dalles Municipal Airport], USA DLS
Thermopolis, WY [Hot Springs County/Thermopolis Municipal Airport], USA THP
Thief River Falls, MN [Thief River Falls Regional Airport], USA TVF
Thomaston, GA [Reginald Grant Memorial Airport], USA RGD
Thomaston, GA [Thomaston/Upson County Airport], USA OPN
Thomasville, GA [Thomasville Municipal Airport], USA TVI
Thompson Falls, MT [Thompson Falls Airport], USA THM
Thomson, GA [Thomson-McDuffie County Airport], USA HQU
Thorne Bay, AK [Thorne Bay Seaplane Base], USA KTB
Thousand Oaks, CA [R I Science Center Helistop], USA JTO
Three Rivers, MI [Three Rivers Mun. Airport], USA HAI
Tifton, GA [Henry Tift Myers Airport], USA TMA
Tikchik, AK [Tikchik Lodge], USA KTH
Tin City, AK [Tin City LRRS], USA TNC
Tioga, ND [Tioga Municipal Airport], USA VEX
Titusville, FL [Space Coast Regional Airport], USA TIX
Toccoa, GA [Toccoa/R. G. Letourneau Field Airport], USA TOC
Togiak Fish, AK, USA GFB
Togiak, AK [Togiak Airport], USA TOG
Tok, AK [Tok Airport], USA TKJ
Tokeen, AK [Tokeen Seaplane Base], USA TKI
Toksook Bay, AK [Toksook Bay Airport], USA OOK
Toledo, OH [Metcalf Field], USA TDZ
Toledo, OH [Toledo Express Airport], USA TOL
Toledo, WA [Toledo-Winlock Ed Carlson Memorial Field], USA TDO
Tompkinsville, KY [Tompkinsville-Monroe County Airport], USA TZV
Toms River, NJ [Robert J. Miller Air Park Airport], USA MJX
Tonopah, NV [Tonopah Airport], USA TPH
Tonopah, NV [Tonopah Test Range Airport], USA XSD
Tooele, UT [Bolinder Field-Tooele Valley Airport], USA TVY
Topeka, KS [Forbes Field], USA FOE
Topeka, KS [Philip Billard Municipal Airport], USA TOP
Torrance, CA [Torrance Municipal/Zamperini Field Airport], USA TOA
Torrington, WY [Torrington Municipal Airport], USA TOR
Tracy, CA [Tracy Municipal Airport], USA TCY
Traverse City, MI [Cherry Capital Airport], USA TVC
Tree Point, AK, USA TRP
Tremonton, UT [Tremonton Municipal Airport], USA TRT
Trenton, MO [Trenton Municipal Airport], USA TRX
Trenton, NJ [Mercer County Airport], USA TTN
Trenton, TN [Gibson County Airport], USA TGC
Trinidad, CO [Perry Stokes Airport], USA TAD
Trona, CA [Trona Airport], USA TRH
Troy, AL [Troy Municipal Airport], USA TOI
Truckee, CA [Truckee-Tahoe Airport], USA TKF
Truckee, CA [Truckee-Tahoe Airport], USA TRK
Truth Or Consequences, NM [Truth Or Consequences Municipal Airport], USA TCS
Tuba City, AZ [Tuba City Airport], USA TBC
Tucson, AZ [Avra Valley Airport], USA AVW
Tucson, AZ [Davis-Monthan Air Force Base], USA DMA
Tucson, AZ [Ryan Field Airport], USA RYN
Tucson, AZ [Tucson International Airport], USA TUS
Tucumcari, NM [Tucumcari Municipal Airport], USA TCC
Tulare, CA [Mefford Field], USA TLR
Tullahoma, TN [Arnold Air Force Base], USA TUH
Tullahoma, TN [Tullahoma Regional Airport/Wm Northern Field], USA THA
Tulsa, OK [Richard Lloyd Jones Jr. Airport], USA RVS
Tulsa, OK [Tulsa International Airport], USA TUL
Tuluksak, AK [Tuluksak Airport], USA TLT
Tuntatuliak, AK, USA WTL
Tununak, AK [Tununak Airport], USA TNK
Tupelo, MS [Tupelo Golden Triangle Regional Airport], USA TUP
Tuscaloosa, AL [Tuscaloosa Municipal Airport], USA TCL
Tuskegee, AL [Moton Field Municipal Airport], USA TGE
Tustin, CA [Tustin Marine Corps Air Station], USA NTK
Tuxekan Island, AK [Nichin Cove Seaplane Base], USA WNC
Twentynine Palms, CA [Twentynine Palms Airport], USA TNP
Twentynine Palms, CA USA NXP
Twin Falls, ID [Joslin Field/Magic Valley Regional Airport], USA TWF
Twin Hills, AK [Twin Hills Airport], USA TWA
Two Harbors, MN [Richard B. Helgeson Airport], USA TWM
Tyler, TX [Tyler Pounds Field], USA TYR
Tyonek, AK [Tyonek Airport], USA TYE

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